
two months

Thomas had his two-month check-up yesterday. He now weighs 14 pounds, 13 ounces. He's no slouch! And he also has bypassed a huge pile of baby clothes that will never fit him. This morning, he woke up (after a perfect night; he was awake for about 15 minutes to eat and wasn't up for the day until 6:30) happy and smiling. So I thought I would share the wonderfulness.

Edited to add: sorry it's horizontal; by the time I clued in, he was in distress over a wet diaper, so the magic had ended. And don't mind my stuffy-sounding babbling. Just focus on the cute.


  1. Cara says, "Oh, look at that cute baby - he's so chubby, I want to play with him!"


  2. You're right, Thomas seems like such an easy baby, very relaxed and wants to make mom happy by sleeping good nights.

  3. Lucky you! He is gorgeous and easy to boot! :)


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