This post contains pictures I took on my little point-and-shoot, and I found some pictures and videos that Phillip took on the card. This is one of them. Is he his Mama's boy or what?
On to the thrifting. I walked downtown to a physio appointment yesterday, and the Salvation Army thrift store is right on the way. I had a few minutes to spare, so I thought I would pop in. I don't usually shop there, but I do donate lots of things. While dropping off bags of stuff last week, though,
a pitcher caught my eye, and ever since I've been wondering what other dish treasures there might be, just waiting for me. I'm particularly looking for a great platter and a new pottery teapot, in case you're wondering. (Reason for the physio: my foot hasn't been cooperating since I slipped and twisted it at the end of June. My running has been compromised, but I'm doing as I'm told and doing a walk / run routine. I'd rather treat it gently and let is heal properly than have it get worse and be a much bigger problem!)
I found this hilarious fabric. I laid it out on the floor to take a picture, and P *had* to stand on it. It says 'calories' in the grey background letters, and next to each one of those adorable illustrated foods is a number. You guessed it - the calorie count for each of those foods. Part of the reason I find this so funny is that I have never counted a calorie in my life. And the illustrations are so cute!
I may make a market tote out of it. Ah, 1952.
I also found the adorable fabric below. We know lots of little girls, and which of them wouldn't like something made from this? It totally reminds me of my sister (maybe because she had a
Strawberry Shortcake quilt on her bed when we were kids?) so let me know if you want it, Marla, and I can make something for you, too.
And Phillip wanted to help model another Le Parfait jar that I found.
Can someone tell me if this is a heat lamp? It has a clip on it, it works, and I think it will be a great industrial-looking reading light if it won't light anyone on fire. It does get pretty warm, even with the regular light bulb that someone left in it, so it might have to wait until we have some chicks. Or until we don't have little boys in the house.
And lastly, this has nothing to do with thrifting. Well, I guess it loosely could - my lovely mother-in-law bought me a set of three Paderno mixing bowls at some kind of crazy super sale they had. They are now my go-to bowls, as evidenced in
nearly every kitchen picture I've posted lately.
This isn't a particularly summer-y recipe, but it's what's in the slow cooker right now. I am not a huge fan of baked beans. They're okay, and I'll eat them for one meal (I really prefer the butter on fresh brown bread!) but
Adam loves them. I do love putting them in a bowl to soak, and smelling them in the slow cooker all day, though. Adam's mother has the simplest and tastiest recipe that I make, and even though it's not as revolutionary as
the oats, here it is:
Roxanne's Slow-Cooker Beans
1 pound dried beans (the ones I'm making today are Nova Scotian!)
In a bowl, cover beans with plenty of water overnight. In the morning, drain, cover well with water in a pot, and boil for 45 minutes - 1 hour or until you're done breakfast. (Until skins split when you blow on them and the beans are tender.)
Drain again, and place beans in the slow cooker along with 1/2 cup brown sugar, pepper, 1 tbsp mustard powder, a pinch of salt, and water to cover. Turn the cooker on low and let it go for as long as you need. A few minutes before serving, add about a cup of molasses, stir well, and, of course, serve with fresh brown bread and plenty of butter. Enjoy!