

We have family here this week, and I am enjoying it soooo much. Adam's parents and grandparents are visiting, and we are having a lovely time together. It's so nice for the boys to get to spend time with their great-grandparents! I didn't have that experience, and I'm so glad that they do.

Isn't Grammie (Mary) gorgeous? That's my mother in law on the right, being held by her brother. He and her other brother, on the left next to Grampie (Bob), both passed away in their teens. The life that Grammie and Grampie have lived has been full and difficult. They've been married for 60 years. Can you imagine having three very little ones with no running water or a washing machine? I love hearing all of Grampie's stories and getting housekeeping tips from Grammie. (Note: rhubarb flower stalks need to be pulled out, rather than cut. Add a pinch of baking soda to your stewed rhubarb so you don't need to add quite so much sugar.) They are so such lovely people - I married into a wonderful family. Really.

I'll be back in a few days! I hope that you're getting to spend time this summer with the people you love!


  1. I was thinking that, that the lady in the middle had it going on so to speak. she looks relaxed and cool. i love her dress.

  2. Wow, the photo shows so much personality! Hope you're having a lovely time with your visitors. It's so great that you get on so well with them. My boyfriend's parents are extremely complicated, the mother especially.
    I've given up trying to get on good terms with her, my boyfriend himself says it's impossible to get on well with his mom :(
    So I always envy everyone who gets on great with their mother-in-law ;)

  3. Grammie was indeed gorgeous! I adore old photos. How very sad about their 2 sons dying so young. I think one of the biggest heartbreaks is to have a child die before the parent.


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