
june 2

Five years ago today, my generous, kind, sweet, funny, and smart Phillip was born. That was a Saturday, too, and probably the single most intense day of my life. I could write all night about him and how great he is, but I'll try to keep it brief.

One of his latest Phillipisms: "Cigaretting isn't a good idea." This was after we saw a construction worker smoking on the back of a truck on our way to school last week.

He is such a fun kid, and completely his own little self. He wants to learn every single thing in the world. He's incredibly excited about a microscope that we gave him, and spent at least an hour before bed reading a terrific book called Why? that he received as a gift today. He loved when I didn't know the answers and he could read them to me. He had a perfect day, and was happy and cooperative - apparently being the birthday boy agrees with him. He also didn't stop talking from the minute he woke up until I left the room after tucking him in while he was still talking.

That's his cake, above - he wanted a bug / insect / creepy crawly things theme, and since my original plan fell apart (literally, the cupcakes fell apart) I drew on my inner Martha and changed plans. And I think that the vermiculture cake turned out kind of awesome.
 The season's first strawberries were at the market this morning. They were sweet and perfect.
Speaking of perfect things at the market, this adorable bunch of radishes also fits the description. They are so tender and crunchy that I had to stop myself after eating several of them whole.
Instead of the usual treat bags, Phillip helped to make some caramel popcorn to give to his friends. He decorated the (waxed paper, compostable) bags, too. Check out that heart! He drew it himself! That picture of the bug is a pea weevil - isn't it kind of beautiful? So symetrical. The recipe wasn't amazing enough to share, but now I have a hankering for some amazing homemade caramel corn, with no corn syrup in the recipe. Anyone have a recommendation?

I fell down yesterday. (Damp grass + low-traction Birkenstocks + Sherrie-in-a-hurry + small hill). It feels so insulting for gravity to take over like that. Tonight my shoulder is s.o.r.e. It was one of those slow-motion falls where my feet stayed up the hill while my top half went down, and I landed mostly on my right arm. Sheesh.

I hope that you're enjoying a lovely weekend!


  1. Happy Birthday P! Hope your shoulder is feeling better Sherrie! RICE it up and some ibuprofen for swelling!

    1. Thanks, Kirsten! It's MUCH better today. :)

  2. Vermiculture Cake is officially my word of the week :)) Happy Birthday P! Hope your shoulder is getting better fast Sherrie. I ran into the trunk of my friend car yesterday with my forehead...and that wasn't even gravity's fault...

    1. Ouch! I hope you didn't get a lump. (I'll let you blame it on gravity.)


    What a beautiful heart! I too think cigaretting is not a good idea! :) I have a book for both you and T but since you can read, then you should have the big brother pleasure of reading it to him! Big HUGS! I hope you loved your cake! I wish I had a piece!

    Lots of love,
    Alli & Diego

    PS. I know what you mean about the slow-mo fall. I hope you are feeling better soon!

    1. Thanks, Alli! I'll pass your message on to Phillip!

  4. Happy Birthday Phillip!! I love that cake! And so funny, we've been trying to decide on a theme for Lillian's party and she keeps changing her mind but bugs were her second suggestion. Might have to show her this cake, though we're leaning toward circus now, I think. Other suggestions have been flowers and fishing. And I also laughed at 'cigaretting'. I was walking with Lil the other day when she said, "I just trod on a smoker!"

    In reponses to your flickr comment, yes! Lil would love a letter from P. (and would love to send him one too.) I will email you our address.

    1. Mad, Phillip must have had about six themes before I told him that he needed to pick that day so we could send out invitations, and completely out of the blue, he chose bugs. So we ran with it! I *love* the mental picture I have of Lil todding on a smoker. :) And yes, let's do a mail exchange! They'll love it.

  5. 1. That cake is disgustingly awesome.
    2. I have fallen twice at work. And when you're a ballet teacher? Very embarrassing.

    Belated birthday wishes to Phillip!

    1. Thanks, Rachael!
      1. Coming from you, Queen of Cakes, that is high praise. I'm blushing. Written up more elaborately, it would have made a good story for your contest, no? Channeling my inner Martha, saving the doomed cupcakes and all.
      2. Ouch.
      I'll get P to read your birthday wishes in the morning. :)

  6. So sorry to hear you hurt yourself falling; I hope the soreness will go away quickly.

    P is one amazing little boy! I hope his year will be as fun and incredible as he is.

    You totally pulled off a Martha: the vermiculture cake is so clever and cute!

    The strawberry is making me drool. We had a small crop this year and the plants have stopped producing for the season already. Bummer.

    1. Thanks, Teresa! It's much better today; almost back to normal. Thanks for the sweet wishes for P, and the compliments on the cake! I wish I could send you a piece (er, blob) and some strawberries. :)


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