
garden news

We planted several sunflowers this spring, but much like kale and carrots and a few other things, the seeds seem to have washed away in heavy rain before they had a chance to sprout and set some roots. We have a lone giant, beautiful droopy sunflower bobbing in the breeze, and I've been checking on the seed development regularly. It's fascinating, and one of the more beautiful patterns in nature. (There are so many!)
Speaking of seeds, I'm letting my cilantro go to seed and am hoping to save some for next summer's fresh salsas. Aren't the little flowers sweet?
 We have a couple of tomato plants that are heavy with very green tomatoes. I may need to make a batch of Shirley's Chow Chow to use some up.

We keep a patch of bee balm, which attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, and (clearly) bees. Now that the petals have fallen and I've taken a closer look, I can see exactly why the hummingbirds love them - it appears as though they're perfectly designed little nectar cups for tiny hummingbird beaks. I think they're just as lovely as the flowers in bloom.

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