The rain finally let up today, and it was bright enough after supper to take a few pictures of what's been happening in the garden.
Firstly, something or someone took the tops off of ten of our tulips last night. I am not impressed, even though we have a few hundred other ones. The poor tulips went to so much work and didn't even get to bloom! It doesn't seem like human intervention, though, because of the strange pattern the missing tulips follow, and also the relative difficulty of getting those particular ones while skipping past many more accessible ones. I think it could have been a deer, which is a wee bit strange, since we live right in town. I have seen a few deer crossing our street before, though, and I choose to believe that over the thought that someone walked up our driveway and into our backyard to thieve some flowers and they only took stems that were a few inches long.

soapwort I planted last summer is doing really well. It's gotten quite a bit larger, and I may try lathering up some of the leaves later in the summer. I can't wait for more of
those sweet blooms!

The johnny-jump-ups are taking over a section of our lawn, which I think is terrific. They're so cute and cheery, and I especially love that I didn't even have to plant them.

The hyacinths are up, too, but they don't seem to have much scent. Maybe the rain had something to do with that? I'm not sure.

And the chives are doing fantastically well! The rain beat them down quite a bit, but there are lots. They are
so tasty. Having a little herb garden right outside of the kitchen is one of the best ideas I've ever had.
I also came across some fun sites to share with you. Thinking of gardens,
Urban Homestead is a fun place with an amazing garden story to read about.
Beekman1802 is a very cool place with fantastic garden information, stories, and
they even sell soap.
I came across the
Simply Natural decor blog today, and had a lot of fun reading through past posts. It's mostly posts full of gathered pictures on a particular decor theme; although
I'm all for purchasing great art,
this is one post I especially liked.
Oh, and I have some exciting soapy things I've been working on that I want to share with you next week! It's been keeping me busy, but will definitely be worth the effort.
Have an excellent weekend! And if you took my tulips, just ask next time and I'm happy to share.