It's here! This is our brand new, super-duper, EPA-approved and energy efficient Pacific Energy Super 27 wood stove! And our wood box, which is a fabulous pirate-y trunk found at a yard sale for $5.00. (And which, according to insurance regulations, needs to be 5 feet from the stove, so I may have to reposition it accordingly.) We're very excited about this new addition to our home.
In other news, Virgil was very well behaved at the vet yesterday, despite having his privacy invaded by a thermometer. He also received a prescription to remedy his stinky pee troubles, and a vaccination which has made him sluggish and nauseous today. Other than that, he's 13.5 pounds, and fine as kind.
Also in other news, the tomatoes are looking fabulous, and I'm getting very excited for them to ripen. Spiders have come out in droves last week and this, and you can't turn around outside without running into a web. The worst is when it's in your hair and you can still feel it but you can't really extract it. Other than that, things are going along swimmingly. (Are things going swimmingly with you guys, Jen? *Smile, wink*!) I've been immersed in Anna Karenina for the past week or so, which is the reason for the fizzling out of posts. An amazing read so far, comparable even to East of Eden in many ways.
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