I know I haven't mentioned P much; he's also not in any photos yet because he's had a cold and we haven't been letting him get too close to his brother. Which must be hard to understand when you're two. But he is fantastic, as well.
In case you're curious, I didn't get my VBAC after all, but I am totally okay with it. I might post some more details later, but suffice it to say that after almost four days of labour with very little progress and learning that there's a 30 degree difference in part of my pelvis vs 'the norm', I really think that the doctor and I did everything that we could have to give a valiant effort at the VBAC. After the initial disappointment, I am really, truly, okay with how things went. Of course, the end result is fantastic, and I am feeling really good. Things went so much better than they did with P's birth, I can't even begin to bore you with the details. The best part was that Adam and T stayed with me in the OR and recovery room and T was nursing as soon as I was put back together. And I remember all of the details. For which I am very thankful.
Oh, and happy birthday to me! I am one lucky gal.
Photo courtesy of Adam, of course.