Carrie over at Under the Willow was generous enough to send me some samples of her amazing handmade laundry soaps to try! They arrived in the mail on Christmas Eve, so this post is long, long overdue. Just about everything I would write about the soap was already written by Joanna over here. I only used the laundry soap on towels, since P seems to be sensitive to scents in laundry detergent (we usually use Down East, available at Sobeys). The scents are lovely, (I especially loved 'Home for the Holidays', and 'Lavender Grace' is really nice, too) and just subtle enough when the towels came out of the dryer. The whole bathroom doesn't smell like the soap, but you get a lovely whiff as you're using the towel. Mmmm. It's just good stuff, and the price is great! (Oh, and the towels were nice and clean, too.) So go have a peek at Joanna's review, and give it a try! Thanks so much, Carrie!
And Teresa, over here at Homesteading, kindly awarded me a little blog award. I must admit, I'm not really much for these 'chain-mail' things, so if you want to jump in and pass it along, please do! I'm flattered - thanks so much, Teresa! (By the way, Teresa is so sweet, is always up to something interesting, and her garden completely astounds me, so have a peek at her blog.)
Phew! I hope that you have a great weekend - today was a welcome snow day, so I took full advantage and during naptime I whipped up four lovely-looking batches of soap and overdid it a bit this morning setting up Son #2's room. I can't wait until everything's complete and presentable - when it's all together, there will be pictures!